Then I really felt that I should be tackling my linen cupboard which I have been putting off for the last week. So off I went. I sat on the floor and worked my way up shelf by shelf. I really should have taken a "before" photo but I totally forgot. You would have been horrified I tell you lol. Due to the sheer volume of things in there and with kids and of course Hubby rifling through there looking for towels and sheets etc, it had become a horror cupboard. I basically hadn't gotten rid of anything since my Hubby and I got together over 4 years ago. So it was more or less two houses worth of sheets and towels squeezed into one cupboard. Now due to having 3 bedwetters in the house, I do go through a few more sheets than most, but sheesh, I had enough sheets to just about cater for a whole class at school lol.
Anyway after about an hour, I had gone through the whole cupboard......don't know why I kept putting it off, it really didn't take that long!!!
Here is my cupboard now it is tidy.....yes I know it still has alot of sheets and towels but don't forget we do have 9 people living here, plus the friends that come and sleep over etc.....
This photo shows the top two shelves with hand towels, face washers, bath mats and the kids towels, and on top shelf is the kids sheets, fitted and flat and a mattress protector. It still looks cluttered but believe me it is a huge improvement to what it it is just a matter of getting everyone to keep it looking like that lol.
Ok and here is what came out of there and is staying out of there. Unfortunately I didn't have the joy of either sending some of it to an Op Shop or throwing them out. We will be painting the house this year so I kept all the old sheets to use as splatter cloths and all the towels have been ripped up for use as rags/cleaning cloths. Unfortunately I had to find a new home, so they have ended up squeezed in another cupboard for the moment, but it is my rule for these things that they will be recycled after they have been used for painting, they will not be remaining in the house lol!!! Here is a photo of the pile of stuff that came out of that more innocent little cupboard, you can just imagine what it looked like lol!!!