Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our New Business Venture

As you might notice, I have a new little link down the bottom of my blog. This is our new business idea/venture. We have purchased the Ebay Magic course and we received our box of goodies yesterday. My Hubby and I have been wanting to start up our own little business for a long time, but have wanted something that we could work around the family without me having to use childcare. So we stumbled upon Matt and Amanda Clarkson's course and we have been very impressed with what we have found. We have spoken to one of the girls that works for them and she was so helpful answering our many questions (some of which were pretty basic but since my brain has been spinning they didn't seem basic to me at the time lol). We decided to go ahead and give it a go. The amount of information they give you is mindblowing and today I am feeling a little overwhelmed but excited at the same time. Their system takes all the guesswork out of things. From the little that I have had a chance to read so far it is straight forward and I feel that once we find our little niche market we should be able to make a good second income and one that is generated on our terms not a boss' terms lol.

I will keep you informed on how we are going!!! We are going to put our heart and soul into this and make it work. I'm a very sceptical sort of person when it comes to handing money over lol, so spent a long time thinking. My Hubby is more a "give it a shot" type of person and "after all its only money lol" type of guy. Yes its only money but when you don't have large amounts of it to spare every dollar gets watched carefully. I have told him we no option but to make it work since we have spent our holiday fund money on it lol. I don't normally feel very confident in these sort of things but I can see this course is very logical and I can see how it could work and we are going to make it work!!!! Lol wish us luck!


Elissa said...

Good Luck, I am sure it will all work out for you.

Anonymous said...

hows it all going? :)

Avery Gerner said...

Congrats on your new business! And I can totally feel your excitement on getting it all started. Though, I am curious. How is your business faring after a long time?