Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Mayhem and Job Annoyances

Well here we are just a few days away from Christmas.  What a ride we are having this year.

I have been and still am so far behind my usual organisation.  I still have shopping to do.  I have no ham or pork yet,,,,and for that matter still haven't actually decided on a menu for the big day!

Not last Friday but the Friday before hubby came home from work and announced that he would be leaving for China on the Sunday morning,,,,,yes that is right, less than 48 hours notice of a trip that would take him away for an entire week!!  I admit to being furious and letting my anger be seen.  The job is really beginning to annoy me majorly.

I hate him being away from us full stop, but these overseas trips are just horrible.  Its just so far away and an entire week, well that is just way too long.  Of  course we had so many things on our list to do this week too which didn't help my bad mood.

The Sunday he left we were supposed to be going to a Carols by Candlelight but neither me nor the boys felt like going without Hubby so we cancelled that.

On the Monday we had open night at Mr12's high school for next year,,,,,naturally I had Mr10 home sick that day too but still had to drag him along to the high school hoping he would be okay....thankfully he managed to make it through to the end before saying I need to go outside in the fresh air.  Off he went and we followed a few minutes later to find the poor little sausage being sick by the side of the building :(  He only had a cold, but he tends to get quite phlegmy with his colds and always ends up being sick because of it.
Monday night also had me receiving some news from Miss13 which came as a shock to me and I was put in the predicament of whether to let Hubby know while he was away or to wait till he got back.  I chose the latter.  He isn't happy but is going to pretend that he doesn't know and see how long it takes his Ex or his daughter to actually tell him the news.  The worst part was that the news had been decided a few weeks ago and I had to find out on facebook! (Edited to say that he has now been back home for almost a week and he hasn't heard from either his Ex or his daughter regarding the subject!!)

Tuesday saw Mr10 home yet again and Mr12 had his orientation day at the high school.  Mr10 and I went at the end of the day to pick him up and he was in a horrible mood.  Attitude was oozing out of him at a great rate of knots which didn't put me in a good mood at all.  After both he and I having "words" on the trip home, he began to calm a little, but it has made me worry about what next year may hold for us.

Wednesday saw my Ex arrive with my older boys.  He had planned a 5 day visit and at the end would leave my Mr15 here and take Mr17 back with him.  I still miss my Mr17 terribly and can't quite get my head around him not being a part of my everyday life as such but I understand that being the sweet natured guy that he is, he doesn't want to leave Dad totally by himself.  I love him for being like that but the fact that this will mean spending his 18th birthday (Christmas Eve) without him just about kills me and naturally this will be my first Christmas without him too.  It will also be our first Christmas without having my stepkids for at least half the day :(

It will sure be a strange Christmas.  I am determined to make it as happy as we can though under the circumstances, its just going to be awfully quiet,,,,sooooooo not used to that lol.

Hubby ended up coming back from China a day early due to snowstorms in the last city they were supposed to visit making it impossible for the plane to land.  I was happy about that, but that was short lived when he received a phone call from his work at 9pm on the Sunday night (this was the day he was supposed to arrive back at 9.30am and his work had no idea that they had flown in a day early!) to say that he had to be on a flight out to Perth at 7am the next morning for a day trip and would arrive back home at 10.30 at the Melbourne airport,,,,this meant he wouldn't get home till around midnight!!  I find this ridiculous since his work had thought he hadn't arrived back in until 9.30 Sunday morning and then expected him on a 7am flight on Monday morning,,,,sheesh the trip from China was 17 hours as they had to take connecting flights from over there and they had been literally travelling either by plane or train every day for the past week all over China!,,,,,totally not impressed I tell you!!!

Anyway enough of my moaning.  What I really came here to say is that I hope everyone has a totally awesome and wonderful Christmas and a fantastic new year!!  I probably won't be around much between now and the beginning of February except for blog reading when I get a few spare moments :)  Hubby has the majority of the school holidays off with only a few days that he has to work scattered in there.  I can't wait to spend some quality time with him and just totally relax.  I feel we need this time so badly!

SEE YOU IN 2013!

I will leave you with this cute little video I found on YouTube,,,,,I love kids singing lol!...tried to get mine to sing a little carol to put on here but they ran away in horror!!


  1. Merry Christmas! Hope yours was nice a relaxing, mine was a bit upside down. Blog post coming! :)

  2. Hey Colleen, try and open your blog under another browser. I had all sorts of problems opening with google & when i opened it with Firefox, I could use my blog again. Weird. Ann from Eight Acres of Eden tipped me off. Ha. It worked a treat. So give it a go.
    Niki x x x


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