Monday, February 15, 2010

The end of yet another weekend......

I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by. The kids are in their 4th week of school already!!!

This weekend went so fast it was unbelievable. It was our weekend with all the kids that went slightly off kilter as my stepson Mr9 with autism didn't come, only his sister. Mr9 had been hit in the mouth by a flying remote control, thrown by his almost 4 year old step brother apparently and ended up with stitches in his lip and was put on a course of antibiotics. His mother decided that she should keep him there to keep an eye on him (she thinks we are just hopeless obviously even though my Hubby was basically sole carer of the child since birth up until his mother worked out that she could screw us for more money if she actually had him with her!!!!....I won't even start on that story grrrrrr). We have no idea how he is going as she doesn't bother to let us know anything unless its an emergency. We can only imagine what he would be like though as he is constantly picking at his lips at the best of times and will often pick at them until they bleed so I wish her all the luck in the world at keeping his fingers away from those stitches lol. I know that sounds awful but those of you with step children will know what I mean about some exes lol.

Saturday was spent in the kitchen. It was an early start as my eldest had to go and work at his part time job at KFC starting at 7.30......crappy time on a weekend lol. So I got up and put on a batch of cheese and bacon scrolls and a batch of jam scrolls. These I make and freeze for the kids lunch boxes. Once I had done the usual load of washing I began on organising dinner for that night. We wanted an early dinner as we were taking the kids down the beach, so I decided that I should just do the lasagna and get the salads done and out of the way while I was already in the kitchen. So I made the lasagne, potato salad, coleslaw and tossed salad. It sure was nice!!!!

We went down the beach Saturday night, Hubby and I didn't feel like going in so we just watched the kids enjoying themselves. It was a nice night.

Yesterday we decided to go the the markets in the morning and of course, the day that we have the kids with us we saw heaps of stuff that we could have bought but we restrained ourselves as we knew that if we got stuff we would have 5 voices saying "can we have...." and of course if one finds something that they would like to buy then the others whine because they couldn't find anything to buy. Lol I have been trying to teach them that you just don't buy for the sake of buying but the younger three just don't get it. They think just because one of them finds something that they would like to spend their pocket money on, they have to have something too. Mr7 found a pirate ship complete with two pirates for 7 dollars and loves it to bits. To our amazement it even makes noises, so that wasn't a bad buy by him I don't think.

After leaving there, we made our way into the city to visit the Museum. Miss11 has been learning about Egypt at school and has been fascinated by mummies etc. So I thought it would be a nice opportunity to take her to see a real one. Her mum would never do anything like that so I thought she might like that. It was pretty cool as they had a kids trail on so they each got a reusable bag and they had to get 4 different stations ticked off to get a prize from the museum shop. They had to draw a skeleton in the Bones section, they went beach combing and came out with a little bag filled with about 8 different shells, they had the opportunity to dress up as a sea creature (which none of them would do lol but they still got their page stamped) and then they got to make their own butterfly. It was good and added to the museum for them. Their prize was a little stretchy dinosaur and a chocolate frog......It sure is nice to get something for free for a change!!!

Today it is back to school and back to housework. I'm off to empty the cat litter (I hate that job sooooo much!!!!) and mop the floors and clean bathrooms. Joy oh joy but I need to get a stack done today as tomorrow I am helping out at the school for the whole day,,,,,how did I get sucked into that one lol?????

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a lovely family weekend, but I know exactly what you mean about exes. Grrr!


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